New Harmony, Davis, CA: Affordable Apartments, Site Planning

New Harmony, Davis, CA: Affordable Apartments, Site Planning

New Harmony, an affordable and sustainable residential project in Davis, California received an exceptionally high GreenPoint Rating of 197 points. After having participated in visioning gatherings with local residents, Kuchman Architects collaborated with a variety of other consultants in the development this 80% net-zero energy project. The dwelling units have been oriented to take advantage of the prevailing delta breezes for improved air quality and the passage of the sun across the southern sky to brighten the interiors. All units within the project are accessible to the disabled. Construction was completed in February 2013.


Sacramento Mutual Housing Association

Yolo Mutual Housing Association


Affordable Apartments


Three-story wood frame


3.08 net acres

69 dwelling units

3,892 sq. ft. Community Building

123 vehicle parking spaces

140 bicycle parking spaces

Density: 22.4 units per acre