Mills Station Crossing, Rancho Cordova, CA: Mixed-Use

Mills Station Crossing, Rancho Cordova, CA: Mixed-Use

Mills Station Crossing consists of 4 blocks of infill buildings including a pharmacy, a 3-story concrete parking structure faced with retail spaces and apartments above, a 4-story seniors apartment and a 3-story luxury apartment project. This is a pedestrian and transit oriented development proposed for the site directly across Folsom Blvd. from the Mills Station light rail. A gridded site organization including wide separated sidewalks, housing with stoops and front porches facing the street with neighborhood-serving retail shops throughout brings vitality to this design.


D&S Development, Inc.


Urban Mixed-Use (Apartments and Commercial)


Three and four story wood frame and 3-level concrete parking garage


8.86 acres

94 luxury apartment units

98 senior apartment units

13,000 sq. ft. pharmacy and retail

322-space concrete parking structure

467,000 sq. ft. building gross area